Altar Servers
Contact: Deacon John Willmes 308 672-4999
This ministry is designed for young and old alike. Responsibilities include assisting the priest at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Training is provided.
Contact: Parish Office 308 382-8644
Greeters are the first representatives of our parish when people enter the church. This ministry is to provide a warm, friendly welcome, and to assist in directing new parishioners or visitors. Greeters must also be available after Mass to wish parishioners a good day and to answer any questions they may have at the moment. Finally, greeters are to make new members and guests feel welcome to our parish community.
Contact: Chris May 308 384-6063
Participants are assigned to proclaim the Word of the Lord at Mass and at other liturgical celebrations.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EM)
Contact: Patti Panowicz 308 485-4312
Participation in this ministry requires mandating from the Diocese of Grand Island following a parish training session. Participants will be assigned to assist in Holy Communion distribution at Mass as well as to the homebound and to the sick.
Music Ministry
Contact: Sharon Samuelson 308-379-1579
Music is our prayer. Everyone is strongly encouraged to share this beautiful gift with our parish. Music is one of the most important ways of participating in our Eucharistic celebrations here at Resurrection. All gifts are needed in this ministry whether it be as a cantor or as a musician. Our liturgical prayer is all the more enhanced by this commitment.
Altar Linens
This ministry cares for the altar linens, cloths, and, if needed, liturgical vestments.
Church Environment
Contact Sharon Hernandez
Church Environment seeks to create a liturgical space which is conducive to both prayer and worship.